Monday, October 27, 2008

Field Trip Response

I got there late on Saturday around 5:oopm and the workshops were already finished. I met Frédéric Moffet and Amitis Motevalli who had started a project by assigning groups of people to take pictures on Hollywood Blvd. The theme was sex and the aim of the workshop was to create a narrative from the photos taken by those groups to tell a story by using the element of sex culture on Hollywood Blvd.
Many people had left and we got into a group of 4 and started brainstorming to see what we can do with those photos. They also told us that we didn't have time to edit them according to the schedual of the program. We decided just to present the photos and talk about them. Photos were taken from the people, signs (including the one with an X alphabet), objects and locations. Although we couldn't put up a story together, i found the subject matter pretty interesting because one had to deal with the representation of history through photographs while making a story out of them that is completely fictitious (and as if it had happend in another place). At 7:00pm they review some of the workshops held that day and 24 hour screening started. I only watched 3 of the videos and left the exhibition. All three were shot in black and white, had astrange narratives and were very powerful visually.

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