Monday, September 22, 2008

time response.

when i think about time in relation to photography, its hard to differentiate the two because they seem to go hand and hand so well. i think what we are doing here with this idea of image making is playing in the realms of time a bit, wether we are consciously aware of it or not, but we as artist are document makers and what i mean by that and especially in photography is that we are documenting theses moments in time, and then eventually theses tangible documents of something that is not tangible will be looked at and scrutinized. This all started with the invention of photography, the idea of a document to represent history and really time started with photography, yes painting had it place in that but really you can look at a painting of the revolutionary war or a photograph of world war II and which one holds more clout. With photography came the idea of a physical visual history. With that came another flood of problems, technology rapidly made the world smaller and things closer, we were able to see other worlds. That really is a big thing to wrap your head around.

with this being all said, as being the document makers how can we look at time and events indiscriminately. and this may sound a bit pompous but how as history makers can we understand the gravity of the images being produced if it is not history yet?

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